Why Leveraging Company Valuation For Competitive Advantage?
If you're like most business owners, you've probably spent a lot of time thinking about the value of your company. In fact, it's likely that valuation is one of the most important considerations when it comes to business ownership. But why? Why should we care about Valuing a Company for the business? And what does company valuation have to do with our ability to grow and compete in the marketplace? If you're curious about this subject and want some answers, keep reading! The value of the company When considering the value of your company, it's important to consider all aspects of its valuation. The most commonly used method of valuing a business is based on earnings and cash flow but this takes into account intangible assets like intellectual property (IP). A more complete way to determine the worth of a company is by looking at its assets, liabilities and equity. This will allow you to calculate what is referred to as enterprise value. An approximation ...